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Submit your unedited manuscript!
You read that right, submit your unedited manuscript!
We mean it! We'd appreciate it if you edited it yourself just to make sure you're 100% happy with it, but no need to look for a professional!
One of the main reasons that we do this, is to help would-be authors. Some agencies/publishers won't accept a manuscript that doesn't look to be professionally edited, which most people can't afford! We want publishing to be accessible to everyone, which is why we're accepting unedited nanowrimo manuscripts! We want to make sure that everyone has a chance.
This means that submitting your book to us is more accessible than ever. We're also suspending our minimum wordcount! As nanowrimo challenges writers to reach 50,000 words, we've lowered our minimum limit to match it! As part of the editing process, the word count is usually increased as we work with you to flesh out the descriptions and plot. So don't be surprised if your 50,000 word manuscript ends up like Courtney's at over 100,000 words!
We understand that you'll want to edit your manuscript a bit before sending it to us, so we're giving you until January 1st, 2023 to submit your manuscript to us!
Make sure to put 'NANOWRIMO 22' in the subject line so we know you're a nanowrimo manuscript!
Courtney's 2020 nanowrimo manuscript, Water's Calling, was published this year!
Keep track with our NaNoWriMo Calendar!

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